Boing Boing: Roundup of Second Life-like games
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And what have they learned since network studies got serious in the wake of 9/11? That there are three major vulnerabilities in networks:
1) Density nodes: people with many immediate connections, e.g. leaders
2) Centrality nodes: people with fewer immediate connections but who serve as crossroads in many relationships, e.g. financiers
3) Boundary spanners: people with few (maybe just two) connections but who span long gaps between chunks of the network, e.g. liaisons or messengers
technorati tags:netwar, counterinsurgency, counterterrorism
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I just finished a volunteer shift stuffing conference bags and thought it my civic duty to inform you that we will not be receiving any condoms in the Interactive Bags.I guess it depends how you define "Interactive."
south by southwest festivals + conferences
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WGBH's National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM) is providing a new component that allows Flash developers to add captions to video in Flash. "cc for Flash" is a free download and is available at the NCAM web site.
Accessibility: New Captioning in Flash Component
technorati tags:accessibility, captioning, flash
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Defense giant Lockheed Martin is applying Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" to a far-out concept for a "quantum radar" that would be a (forgive the pun) quantum leap over current radar technology. The company filed a patent on the idea in Europe, according to this article in the U.K. Guardian.If it does pan out, it promises a breathtakingly wide and detailed view of a given theater of operations.
technorati tags:spooky-action, topsight
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Two-and-a-half years later, we're all still waiting. The reason: safety. Talons -- like all computers, like all machines -- have a tendency to act extremely weird every once in a while. That's acceptable, in the Talon's unarmed configuration. But when it's carrying a gun? No dice. We've all had Windows crash on us. Now imagine if your laptop had an automatic weapon.
technorati tags:robocop, skynet
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But then, politics came into play. It seems that politics is a topic that people care about so much they’re ready to go all “Lord of the Flies” on each other and ruin the otherwise perfect system, their tropical paradise island of user-submitted news. It took a while for this to happen, but in the recent months it is impossible not to notice. Both Digg and Reddit are swarmed with leftist, rightist, anti-Islam, pro-Islam, anti-Bush and similar stories. Digg is cleaning up the mess, but at what expense?
Reddit learns about the importance of editors the hard way - franticindustries.
technorati tags:social-news, editing
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Two-and-a-half years later, we're all still waiting. The reason: safety. Talons -- like all computers, like all machines -- have a tendency to act extremely weird every once in a while. That's acceptable, in the Talon's unarmed configuration. But when it's carrying a gun? No dice. We've all had Windows crash on us. Now imagine if your laptop had an automatic weapon.
technorati tags:robocop, skynet
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What's more interesting is the stash of contraband discovered inside the vehicle, which was outfitted with a siren, a public address system, and several hidden interior compartments. Besides a "small amount" of weed, officers found: four rifles, nine handguns, a switchblade knife, a Taser, and night vision goggles.
Austinist: Blues Traveler Singer, Austin Man Busted For Huge Stash
technorati tags:john-popper, blues-traveler, thunderdome
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On Danger Room, they sound giddy about this (no pun intended):
WIRED Blogs: Danger RoomYou never know what's going to land in your mailbox. Last night, I found a weapon that shoots an invisible wall-penetrating beam that makes people so dizzy they fall over. (It can make them puke, too, but I'll get to that in a moment.)
Okay, okay... it was only a description of the device that I came across, going through my (mostly junk) mail. The less-lethal weapon was one of many novelties described in an invitation to the "Navy's 07 'Opportunity Forum" for small businesses.
technorati tags:nonlethal, weaponry, vomit-beam
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We are witnessing the shift from individualised and pesonalised media consumption towards consumption as a networked practice. You see networks are sticky in ways that mass media never was, it requires a very different approach to what we create, how we create it and how we market it. And, the change wrought by the networked information environment is structural.
Communities Dominate Brands: The 7th Mass Media gets a new service
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Scribd, a site for sharing documents, is coming out of private beta this morning with a fresh Angel investment of $300K on top of their original Y Combinator nest egg of $12,000. Scribd is most easily described as a text version of YouTube. It is a social network that lets you tag, share, and comment on uploaded documents (.doc, .pdf, .txt, .ppt, .xls, .ps, .lit).
Scribd “YouTube for Documents” Gets $300K
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Presence helps solve this problem by letting you know the availability of the other party to take your call, before the call gets made.
It's free:
Fast forward to today… our business plan is to deliver, for free, a great mobile presence application to handsets beginning with BlackBerry but ultimately extending to any Symbian or Windows Mobile handset. We’ll make money from additional presence enabled applications that depend on that infrastructure.
GigaOM » Does Presence really matter?
technorati tags:presence, mobile, phones, voice2.0
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"I noticed how the pack of jelly was in different locations on the plates in the queue and then realized the waitresses hadn't said a word to the chef all morning. After a little digging around, I found this flickr image of the grill cheat sheet explaining exactly what condiment means what and how to arrange them on a plate to indicate a specific order."
technorati tags:googlephone, iphone
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There is a web worker replacement for face time: workstreaming, the publishing of work-related activities and events to your remote colleagues, usually via RSS but sometimes in other formats and ways.Workstreaming is the next generation of the 11 pm email you send to your team to show them that you’ve been working all evening. Workstreaming is related to lifestreaming, producing an RSS feed of all the bits and pieces of your online self in date-time order. But lifestreaming incorporates everything from the personal to the professional to the trivial, while workstreaming is only about showing what you’ve just accomplished, what you’re working on now, and what you’re planning to do in the future.
Web Worker Daily » Blog Archive Workstreaming: The New Face Time «
technorati tags:workstreaming, net_work
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