Thursday, January 28, 2021

(Activity theory summer school 2021)

After a year's hiatus due to a little pandemic you may have heard about, we are bringing back the Activity Theory Summer School at University West, Trollhättan in Sweden. This year we'll be going virtual, so you (and I) will not even have to take a flight!

So if you're (a) really interested in Activity Theory and (b) working on a PhD, consider joining us. ATSS is structured as a 7.5-hour course at University West, Trollhättan in Sweden. It runs during the summer (obviously), and the live portion is June 7-11. 

Instructors include Yrjo Engestrom, Anna Sannino, David Allen, Stan Karanasios, and myself. We'll each put on a workshop, discussing theory and history, methodology, analysis, concepts, and case studies. We'll also discuss publishing and (of course) the future of activity theory. We'll also provide students with feedback as they develop their own studies.

It's a really exciting opportunity, and I hope you'll consider joining us!

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