Thursday, May 23, 2024

(Attend my online talk for ECIS DATIS)

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I'll be addressing the Developing Activity Theory in Information Studies (DATIS) workshop for the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). The details are below. 

Those in North and South America may find this to be a difficult start time (5am CST!), and I'll certainly be drinking my share of coffee before the talk starts. But this time is convenient for ECIS's members, and I'm thrilled to have a global conversation with them about activity theory and IS. I hope you'll join us. 


We are delighted to share this invite with you for our Pre-ECIS 2024 “Developing Activity Theory in Information Studies” (DATIS) Online Talk, presented by Professor Clay Spinuzzi, University of Texas at Austin, US.


Please use the Zoom Meeting Link below to join us. We would also really appreciate it if you can send quick email to Paul Kelly ( to confirm you will be joining us for the event. 


Date: Friday 7 June, 2024


Start Time: 11 am UK / 5 am Austin US / 8 pm Brisbane Australia


Duration: 1 hour


Title of Talk: "‘Fourth-generation activity theory is about WHAT?’ Thinking through our mission(s) for 4GAT"


Abstract: In "The future of activity theory: A rough draft" (2009), Yrjö Engeström suggested that a fourth generation of activity theory (4GAT) might be needed to address social production and peer production, in which "the boundaries and structures of activity systems seem to fade away." Some of us interpreted Engeström as addressing post-bureaucratic society, specifically changes in work organization. But his later work demonstrates that he is instead addressing post-market society, specifically alternatives to capitalism. Can a single 4GAT address both? And what does IS as a field need from a 4GAT?


Meeting URL


Meeting ID:   995 5284 1813


This online talk is a special pre-cursor to the DATIS Workshop scheduled for 16 June at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) in Paphos, Cyprus. For more information about the ECIS DATIS Workshop, see the ECIS Workshops page here:

For any questions, please get in touch with Dr Paul R Kelly (, who is arranging this event with the DATIS Organising Committee and Professor Clay Spinuzzi. With kind regards to all and look forward to seeing you for the talk!