Google Presently Powerpoint Clone Could Be Days Away
Blogged with Flock
Reviewing books since 2003.
Blogged with Flock
We developed a tool for teachers to use facebook. It's called Courses. go to first glance, it looks pretty interesting.
Card Sorting: Mistakes Made and Lessons Learned :: UXmatters
Card sorting is a simple and effective method with which most of us are familiar. There are already some excellent resources on how to run a card sort and why you should do card sorting. This article, on the other hand, is a frank discussion of the lessons I’ve learned from running numerous card sorts over the years. By sharing these lessons learned along the way, I hope to enable others to dodge similar potholes when they venture down the card sorting path.
Blogged with Flock
Blogged with Flock
Network (2008)
Topsight 2.0 (2018), in print and Kindle versions.