Some More Insight Into Google’s Acquisition of Jaiku | Lifestream Blog
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Blogged with Flock
Blogged with Flock
Blogged with Flock
Price describes the failure to cite all sources used in the manual as evidence of “shoddy academic practices”, but in fact he is applying the standards of one society to those of a very different one—a violation of the anthropological norm of cultural relativism as I understand it.
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Blogged with Flock
As the successive chapters of this book lay out some technical exercises of my own, the attentive reader will be able to draw up an extensive intellectual indictment of them, consisting of all the bogus assumptions that were required to put forth some proposal for evaluation. But the point of those intellectual exercises does not lie in their detailed empirical adequacy, or in their practical applicability; they do not provide canned techniques to take down from a shelf and apply in other cases. Instead, each exercise should be understood in the past tense as a case study, an attempt in good faith to evolve technical practice toward new ways of exploring human life. What matters, again, is the process. I hope simply to illustrate a kind of research, a way of learning through critical reflection on computational modeling projects. (p.16)
the gPhone is scheduled to be released in 2008, but only in beta form, with a target date of 2011 for it to come out of beta. In other words, perpetual beta, just like everything else at Google. Who wants a phone that's in beta? You know how easy it will be to message against that?The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: We're not scared of the gPhone
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What they haven’t done is launch yet another social network platform. As more and more of these platforms launch, developers have difficult choices to make. There are costs associated with writing and maintaining applications for these social networks. Most developers will choose one or two platforms and ignore the rest, based on a simple cost/benefit analysis.Details Revealed: Google OpenSocial To Launch Thursday
Google wants to create an easy way for developers to create an application that works on all social networks. And if they pull it off, they’ll be in the center, controlling the network.
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Blogged with Flock
Google Preso rocks for easy, no-money-down collaboration, but its visually clumsy slides won't win you a Nobel Prize or help you close a million-dollar deal.Talk about a false proposition. Google continues to pursue the strategy that it has pursued with the rest of the Google Docs suite: facilitating highly collaborative work across rather than within organizations, for small and medium-sized operators rather than big clients.
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Blogged with Flock
The real killer app for Google is not to turn Orkut into a Facebook clone. It is to turn every Google app into a social application without you even noticing that you’ve joined yet another social network.Google’s Response to Facebook: “Maka-Maka”
Blogged with Flock
Network (2008)
Topsight 2.0 (2018), in print and Kindle versions.