Saturday, December 22, 2012

Topsight > Using Topsight to teach a class

I developed Topsight for several audiences: consultants, people who want to change their organizations, people who need a gentle introduction to field research in organizations, graduate students. But in particular, I was thinking of my own undergraduate students in the course I often teach, Designing Text Ecologies.

The link goes to the spring 2013 version of the course. And I'm excited that I'll be using Topsight for that course. You can follow the link for the particulars, including the projects and the pacing. But if you're thinking about using Topsight for your own graduate or undergraduate course, here's a template for a 13-week course that might be helpful:

Week 1: Field studies and topsight (Preface, Ch.1)
Week 2: Developing a study design; building in protections (Ch.2-3)
Week 3: Gaining permission; preparing to study (Ch.4-5)
Week 4: Introducing yourself to participants (Ch.6)
Week 5: Observing; interviewing (Ch.7-8)
Week 6: Collecting artifacts and other sorts of data (Ch.9-10)
Week 7: Navigating data: triangulating and coding (Ch.11-12)
Week 8: Reporting progress: The interim report (Ch.13)
Week 9: Introduction to the analytical models; resource maps; handoff chains (Ch.14-16)
Week 10:Triangulation tables; breakdown tables (Ch.17-18)
Week 10: Activity systems and activity networks (Ch.19-20)
Week 11: Topsight tables; describing systemic issues (Ch.21-22)
Week 12: Turning findings into recommendations; writing the recommendation report (Ch.23-24)
Week 13: Turning recommendations into new solutions (Ch.25)

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