Wednesday, April 08, 2020

(back in the game)

I haven't stopped reading, but I did stop blogging for a while. Not consciously—but I had a lot of other things competing for my attention. The COVID-19 shelter-in-place restrictions have actually made things worse, since I've had to help transition the lower-division curriculum as well as my own, as well as a zillion other things.

As a result, I'm eight books behind on my review schedule. So I'll start digging out today.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you posting again. Hope the extra work hasn't been too stressful.

Clay Spinuzzi said...

Nah, just time-consuming! More than anything, I just know that there's always something else I *could* be doing. Too many quick but small wins make it harder to keep my focus on the longer-range big wins.